Permissions Policy

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Permissions-Policy is a security feature that allows you to enable or disable certain browser features and APIs for your website. It provides control over what resources can be used by your site and can help to mitigate security risks. By configuring Permissions-Policy, you can specify which origins are allowed to use powerful features such as geolocation, camera access, and more. Read more

You can set your Permissions-Policy header configuration in the dashboard of a site, under the "Technical" tab in your site settings. You can provide the complete Permissions-Policy header that will be included in each response from Plate for your site. For example:

geolocation=(self), microphone=(), camera=()

In this example, the policy allows geolocation for the site's own origin, but disallows microphone and camera access.

Permissions-Policy settings are specific to each site and do not sync automatically from the theme to each child site

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