Authentication object
Authentication can be used to secure certain pages on a site. When an authentication type is created, it is possible to create so called "authentication objects", which are like "user accounts on a website". An authentication object has two fields by default: "email" and "password". However, it is possible to add content fields to the authentication type, just as with other content type kinds.
Authentication Objects
Get all authentication objects for a authentication type.
{{ authentication.dealers }}
Returns all authentication objects for the authentication type 'dealers'.
Authentication types
Every authentication type can be accessed as follows (given that there is an authentication type with the plural name "dealers":
{{ authentication.authentication_types.dealers }}
Then for every authentication type, the following attributes can be retrieved:
Each of this attributes return a path to a specific authentication template.
<a href="{{authentication.authentication_types.dealers.login_path}}">Login</a>
<a href="/dealers/login">Login</a>
Current authenticated resources
For each authentication type it is also possible to get the current authenticated resource (account). This can be done by calling 'current_[authentication_type_name]' on the authentication object. The returned authentication object has the following attributes:
Next to these attributes, all content fields of the authentication are callable. E.g. when the authentication type of an authentication resource has a content field with the name "first_name", you can call the attribute "first_name" on the current authenticated resource.
When the visitor is not authenticated as the specified authentication type, the 'current_[authentication_type_name]' attribute will return null.
Given that there is an authentication type with the name "dealer", having a content field "first_name", and the visitor is logged in as an authentication resource with email="" and first_name="John":
{{ }},
{{ authentication.current_dealer.first_name }},