Content types

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If you create a Content Type with Post Type selected, it means you can create Posts with it. See Theme Structure to see where Posts go in the Plate Nested layout structure.

Posts have their own url, and are shown in the Content page in the Site Dashboard. They can be created from the sidebar in the Plate Site edit mode, unless you select the option 'Hide Content Type in add menu'. This can be useful for, for example the search page.

Post Type theme files have the following paths:



If you create a Content Type with Section Type selected, it means you can create Sections with it. See Theme Structure to see where Sections go in the Plate Nested layout structure.

Sections are ate the top of the content tree, and fall below Posts. A Section is a (usually) full width part of the page that has a layout of rows, columns and elements inside.

Section Type theme files have the following paths:

sections/section_type_name/section_type_name.plate (default)



If you create a Content Type with Element Type selected, it means you can create Elements with it. See Theme Structure to see where Elements go in the Plate Nested layout structure.

Elements are ate the bottom of the content tree, and fall below Columns. An Element is a small piece of inline content that can be added on a page.

Element Type theme files have the following paths:

elements/element_type_name/element_type_name.plate (default)

Generic Content

If you create a Content Type, but do not enable any of the other Type kinds, the Content Type is enabled for Generic Content objects. These are valid objects, but are not represented in the Plate Nested Layout Structure. These content objects can be used in Reference Content Fields.

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