Allows to paginate an array of objects. Inside the paginate
tag a paginate
object will be available.
Accepts the following arguments:
an Array of objects, for example site.pages
. (Required)
amount of items shown per page. (Not required, default: 10)
how many pages should be visible from the current page. E.g. if the current page is 5, and window size is 2, the pages available will be 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Note that the first and the last page are always visible. (Not required, default: 3)
The name of the url parameter that is used to determine the current pagination number. This allows to paginate multiple arrays of objects. (Not required, default: “page”)
{% paginate ... pagination_name: "turn" %}
/the-paginated-content?turn=4 # 4th pagination page
The following code will paginate all projects of the site. On each page, 2 projects will be available.
{% paginate object_array: site.projects, per_page: 2, window_size: 2 %}
<h1>Current page: {{paginate.current_page}}</h1>
{% for project in paginate.items %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="{{paginate.previous.url}}">« Prev</a>
{% for pagination_page in paginate.pages %}
<li><a href="{{pagination_page.url}}">{{pagination_page.index}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<a href="{{}}">Next »</a>
{% endpaginate %}
Paginate object
Inside the paginate
block, a paginate
object is available with the following attributes.
: the current page, a number.items
: an array of items in the slice of the inputobject_array
corresponding to the current page.page_count
: the number of pages.pages
: an array of objects representing the pagination pages. All objects inpages
have the attributesurl
(returning the url of a pagination page, e.g. /this-url?page=3),index
(the pagination page’s index number),is_link
(whether the pagination page is a link or not).is_link
returns false at the current pagination page or if the page falls outside thewindow_size
(in which case it’s merely a ‘…’).next
: represents the next pagination page. Also hasurl
: represents the previous pagination page. Also hasurl
Example Pagination
This is a typical pagination example. The important part is using the pagination_page.is_link and check the weird ellipsis html entity.
This allows for proper active and disabled styling.

<div class="pagination">
<div class="pagination-list">
{%- if paginate.pages[0] -%}
<ul class="pagination-list">
<li class="pagination__item pagination__item--start">
<a {% if paginate.previous == blank %}class="disabled"{% else %}href="{{ paginate.pages.first.url }}"{% endif %}>
<li class="pagination__item pagination__item--prev">
<a {% if paginate.previous != blank %}href="{{paginate.previous.url}}"{% else %}class="disabled"{% endif %} title="{{"views.previous" | translate }}">
{% for pagination_page in paginate.pages %}
<li class="pagination__item {% if pagination_page.is_link == false and pagination_page.index != "…" %}pagination__item--active{% endif %}">
<a {% if pagination_page.index contains "…" %}class="disabled" {% else %}href="{{ pagination_page.url }}"{% endif %}>
<span>{{ pagination_page.index }}</span>
{% endfor %}
<li class="pagination__item pagination__item--next">
<a {% if != blank %}href="{{}}"{% else %}class="disabled"{% endif %} title="{{"" | translate }}">
<li class="pagination__item pagination__item--end">
<a {% if == blank %}class="disabled"{% else %}href="{{ paginate.pages.last.url }}"{% endif %}>
{%- endif -%}