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A block where the search results of the passed search query are available. Expects one argument, which is the search query.

The following variables are available within the block:

  • search_results: An array of Posts that match the search query.

Use request.query_object to use a search term passed as a URL parameter.

The block accepts the following extra optional parameters:

  • size, e.g. size: 50. The maximum search results, so the request load time can be limited, even when there is a very large amount of search results. Default: 100.

  • filter_by_language. If true only search results for the current language are returned

{% search_results "<search query>" %}

  {% for post in search_results %}
    <h3><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h3>
  {% endfor %}

{% endsearch_results %}
Liquid Search block

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