Table of contents


14 October 2024

  • 🥂 Feature: [Dashboard/Admin] UI/UX upgrade

16 September 2024

  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Deleting redirects

12 August 2024

  • Feature: [Dashboard] New site language
  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Ignore deleted attachments on site installation

5 August 2024

  • Bugfix: [API] Sites created in wrong whitelabel

23 July 2024

  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Fix issue where event is not fired when deleting a section.
  • Bugfix: [Admin] Fix issue where the correct image is not showing up on the post page.
  • Feature: [Dashboard] Widen the valid range for the cropping ratio.

8 July 2024

  • Bugfix: [Site] Include canonical links outside of the Admin environment
  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Delete target posts when deleting Multi Content Rule.
  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Missing translation
  • Bugfix: [Site] Index referenced content for Plate Search

18 June 2024

  • Feature: [Admin] Config CSP Header for Site
  • Feature: [Admin] Config Permissions-Policy Header for Site
  • Feature: [Admin] Config SEO index, follow for Post
  • Feature: [API] Filter content by multiple ids
  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Can not sync theme with child theme
  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Loop in Multi-Content rule activation

6 June 2024

  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Sanitize Form Message body

  • Feature: [Admin] Edit button for Sections from Post settings

29 May 2024

  • Feature: [Liquid Tag] Add Color filters

  • Bugfix: [Dashboard] Delete Events are not triggered when removing content in content lib

14 May 2024

  • Feature: [Superadmin] Reset MFA for user
  • Feature: [Superadmin] Move site to another company

6 May 2024

  • 🦸‍♀️ New feature: Superadmin dashboard

2 May 2024

  • Bugfix: Can not upload image in dashboard

  • Bugfix: Nil source content in MC connection

  • Feature: Do not allow to duplicate index post

  • Feature: Remove oops in forbidden message

29 April 2024

  • Bugfix: Image is not displayed after cropping
  • Bugfix: Pagination for multicontent
  • Feature: Config site sending email in privacy tab
  • Feature: Display alert if file is too big

25 April 2024

  • 🌽 New Feature: Image Cropping

17 April 2024

  • Bugfix: Use primary domain to generate sitemap
  • Bugfix: Can not create authentication objects in dashboard
  • Bugfix: Published date and order position of post are not copied through connecting posts.
  • Bugfix: Missing template when rendering include tag with html erb partial
  • Bugfix: Can not update attachment folder
  • Bugfix: Can not sort posts by order position if order position is nil
  • Bugfix: Translate filters in liquid is broken if filter key is nil

15 April 2024

  • Bugfix: Post duplication bug

2 April 2024

  • ♻️ New feature: Multi Content, allows users to share content over multiple sites.

  • New feature: Delete redundant theme files from Content Type settings.

  • Bugfix: Theme synchronisation bugs.

14 March 2024

  • Bugfix: Filtering Form Messages based on sent location was broken.

29 January 2024

  • New feature/Bugfix: Smaller “Preview” label on preview sites in bottom-left corner.

  • Bugfix: Keep locally referenced Content when duplicating a post to another language

  • Bugfix: Post translations returned in liquid not in sync with the enabled site languages.

23 January 2024

  • New feature: Expose main site object and all site objects as site_translations in authentication email templates: Custom email theme files

  • New feature: Allow for custom authentication mail subjects: Custom email theme files

  • Bugfix: No explicit errors on search indexing failures

  • Bugfix: Double spaces stripped in prerender service

  • Bugfix: Duplicate confirmation mails on form message submission using JSON

8 January 2024

  • Bugfix: Styled dots appearing in WYSIWYG editor
  • Bugfix: Search results in Content Library are sorted on match-percentage

2 January 2024

  • New feature: Scroll opened tab into view in new/edit Content page
  • Bugfix: Editing textarea Content Fields in Content Library
  • Bugfix: Remove Post placeholders after duplication
  • Bugfix: Show general fields in Post edit page in Content Library
  • Bugfix: Sorting posts

19 December 2023

  • New feature: Content Library. Allows the users to have insights in all their Content in the dashboard
  • New feature: Stripe is supported as Payment Service Provider for Plate Payments and Plate Commerce.
  • Refactor: Rename “Abstract Content” to “Generic Content”
  • Bugfix: Missing labels for pagination item count on tables

27 November 2023

  • New feature: Total count is displayed for paginated tables such as form messages and posts overviews
  • New feature: Expose PPC in .ptt files when downloading a theme
  • Bugfix: Prevent content references between multiple languages when duplicating a post to another language
  • Bugfix: Latest item added (again) to clipboard are shown first on the clipboard
  • Bugfix: Allow non-ascii characters in redirects

6 November 2023

  • New feature: When promoting an Abstract Content Type to a Post Type, you can choose to create posts from the existing Content Objects. Useful for example when updating authors of a post from Abstract Content Objects to actual Posts
  • New feature: Ability to specify redirect_to_url when confirming your emailadress as an Authentication Object (in the portal)
  • Bugfix: Deal with untrusted form message submissions
  • Bugfix: Location field not working on Content References in the admin screen

17 October 2023

  • New feature: Location Content Field. This new field type allows the user to use Google Maps to find locations, which are automatically geocoded so you can efficiently visualize (multiple) locations on a map. Check thedocumentation on how to use these fields in Liquid
  • New feature: Add /.well-known/security.txt file for public security information about Plate
  • Bugfix: Internal server errors on API are responding with a more insightful error message

9 October 2023

  • New feature: Manage assigned Content Field Groups in Content Type settings

  • Bugfix: Synchronize templates for Content Field Definitions from themes to sites

  • Bugfix: Delete placeholders for duplicating posts

2 October 2023

  • New feature: Provide a description for a Content Type

  • New feature: Provide enabled templates for Content Field Definitions in Content Field Groups

  • Bugfix: Disable browser caching when in the editor of a site with CDN enabled

  • Bugfix: Show dashboard on root path

13 September 2023

  • Bugfix: Searching of posts in dashboard never finishes

  • Bugfix: Deleting a user from any level completely removes the user from the platform

  • Bugfix: Missing placeholders for posts that are being duplicated.

6 September 2023

  • New feature: Filter Form Messages based on the sending location

  • New feature: Download all (filtered) Form Messages from the dashboard

28 August 2023

  • New feature: Improved server-side pagination and search of tables in dashboard

  • New feature: Disable reordering posts when count is higher than 100

7 August 2023

  • Bugfix: Icons disappear when searching through the list of icons in Content Type settings

  • Bugfix: Invalid placements of “used in” labels for Content Fields

31 July 2023

  • New feature: Ability to force MFA for all users on a Partner or Company level

  • New feature: Configurable error mode for Liquid theme rendering. Can be set to Lax, Warning or Error in the technical settings of a (preview) site

  • New feature: Show in which templates a Content Field is enabled (e.g. show or index)

  • New feature: Liquid filter dump_variable logging a certain variable

  • Bugfix: Failing upload of documents with non-url-encoded characters

  • Bugfix for enable MFA

12 July 2023

  • New feature: Redirect urls with a trailing slash to the same url without a trailing slash to prevent duplicate content

12 June 2023

  • New feature: Use referrer header to redirect users back on a failed login attempt for an authentication object

30 May 2023

  • New feature: Add configurable form message retention time

  • Fix bug in form message submission

  • Fix bug in searching content with prioritised content fields

  • Replace auto save by manual save for the post reorder interface for UX consistency

15 May 2023

  • Fix bug in accessing assets in media library

  • Fix bug in ordering content fields

8 May 2023

  • Fix bug in publishing posts with the same slug but different parents.

  • Change default content field names to less conflicting names

1 May 2023

  • Change default setting of “include_in_search” for content fields to false instead of true to enforce an efficient use of search.

  • Fix bug with creating form messages

24 April 2023

  • Bugfix for assigning parent post while creating a post

  • Bugfix for setting API (de)publish_at date for post creation

  • Bugfix for validation of SVG images on an image field

  • Bugfix for ordering posts

  • Updated documentation of the site object in Liquid to expose features to access all content types.

11 April 2023

  • New feature: Allow (de)publish date to be set using Exin

  • Bugfix for (de)publish date when user language is “en”

  • Bugfix for nested content references

  • Changed label for “Include in search results”

  • Patch failing page duplications

8 March 2023

  • Bugfixes for content reference creation/updating

  • Added missing translations

27 February 2023

  • New feature: Custom Admin Mail in register_form_confirmation_field. Allows you to specify the email address to which a confirmation mail is sent directly with the 'to' argument. Allows liquid in template and subject.

  • New feature: ability to create recurring payments using Plate Payments.

  • Moved template selection for content fields for post types to ‘general’ tab.

  • Bugfix for content field groups.

16 January 2023

  • New feature: Plate Payments (in private beta). Allows a developer to create Mollie payments using only Liquid, so no external integrations are required to create e.g. a donation form.

9 January 2023

  • Content field groups feature. Allows you to assign a set of content fields at once to a specific content type, which prevents you from having to repeatedly define a specific set of content fields for multiple content types.

8 December 2022

  • Some improvements and a bugfix in Plate’s caching system

24 November 2022

  • Publish and depublish in the future feature. It is now possible to automatically publish or depublish posts on dates that are in the future. When the date is reached, the post gets published/depublished automatically. (For now visible for users that have advanced enabled in their user settings)

  • Make global references static. This option in the content field settings makes it possible to globally reference objects, and add or remove references, but the user is not able to edit the referenced object’s content.

14 November 2022

  • Several bugfixes

7 November 2022

  • Bugfix in searching Content Types in the Dashboard.

  • Bugfix in time notation for a datetime field. A missing time would return '-'.

  • Added subtype for Content objects in the API, based on the Content Type.

  • Bugfix for bug which made it possible to delete the last section on a Post.

31 October 2022

  • Bugfix in multiple file sending with json endpoint with forms

  • Bugfix in dropdowns to select other translations in post settings

  • Bugfix in references where sometimes the length validation returned a wrong validation error upon saving

24 October 2022

  • Bugfix in search, where dashes combined with fuzzy search could lead to wrong results

  • Added parent and child post ids to Posts endpoint in API.

19 October 2022

11 October 2022

  • Bugfix in forms recaptcha handling, there was a bug when the forms sendable object could not be found

  • Bugfix in multilanguage form error messages. Sometimes on a localized page, the form returned error messages from the wrong language

26 September 2022

  • Fixed bug in API. It was possible to create multiple posts with the same url through the API.

  • Bugfix in text editor link field

  • Added filter to search_results (docs) to be able to filter search results for current language

  • Fixed bug in SSL certificate generation which let some certificates expire.

  • Some improvements in deployment environments in order to support ipv6 better

  • Bugfix, content references lost their content if a new reference was closed and opened again

5 September 2022

  • Feature: default values for text based content fields

  • Bugfix with site_translations in API

  • Bugfix with invalid date field on dashboard when user set language to English

  • Various other minor bugfixes

1 August 2022

  • Bugfix: ContentTypes could be deleted when they still had reference ContentFields linked to them

  • Added redirect for stale cache asset files to new ones after rebuild

  • Fix for increasing 429 errors in ElasticSearch implementation

  • Changed SEO title/description limits to correct standards

25 July 2022

  • Enable Recaptcha for JSON endpoint for contact form

  • Enable Base64 file upload for JSON endpoints for contact form

  • Fix redirect bug in API where to_url persisted, even when the target post url changed.

  • Fix bug in attachments after theme sync

  • Enable CSV extension for theme files

18 July 2022

  • Bugfix in JSON contact forms

  • Multi-indented lists in WYSIWYG editors

  • Devops improvements

  • Bugfix in datetimepicker with localization

June 2022

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Indian English, Australian English languages

  • Bugfix double references

  • Improvements in interface localization

  • Contact forms accept JSON Ajax requests

April 2022

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Slovenian, Belfgian-French language

  • Bugfix in language parsing

  • Recaptcha for Authentication forms

  • Devops improvements

  • Screenshots return

March 2022

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

February 2022

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Danish, Flemish languages

January 2022

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Plate Authentication Forms accept JSON Ajax requests

  • Italian, Russian, Norwegian languages

  • Cookie controls options in site settings

  • CORS settings

December 2021

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Nested attributes for AccessControl objects. E.g.

November 2021

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

October 2021

  • Bugfix with date parsing in ElasticSearch docs

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Add AccessControl in PlateOn

  • ElementsCollection in Site

  • Bugfix in JSON liquid filter

September 2021

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

August 2021

  • Bugfix where form messages that were spam still got confirmation emails

  • Multiple bugfixes

  • Interface improvements

  • Portuguese language

27 July 2021

  • Subject of mails from form messages customizable for both mail to site administrator, and confirmation to submitter.

Since yesterday we have performed an update to the contact form. It is now possible to set a custom subject line per form. The advantage is that you can further customize the messages to what the customer wants. You can also put a friendlier subject in the subject line than the standard 'Message via contact form of '.With this update you can set a different subject per form. How to do this can be found in the updated documentation about _form or register_form_confirmation_field. The recent updates to the form can be found here and we also made it possible to send the form using a custom domain.

3 June 2021

March 2021

  • Upload multiple files in contactform

  • View sent in uploads for both dashboard and email

July 2020

  • 2FA activation in dashboard overview

  • Custom colors in whitelabel CMS dashboard

June 2020

  • (un)link individual pages in different languages

  • Translate hardcoded texts

  • json filter

  • Site / page settings in accordion

May 2020

  • Determine location visitor website

April 2020

  • reCaptcha

February 2020

  • Webhooks

January 2020

  • Caching

  • Dynamic tag

November 2019

  • Generate PWA based on website

September 2019

  • Date/ time field

  • Elastic Search integration

July 2019

  • Publication function

  • Tabs for content fields

  • 2FA

June 2019

  • Authentication field / login

  • Session functions in liquid

  • Add static files (robots.txt)

April 2019

  • Expand Content Types, new content-type: Abstract content

  • Improved folderstructure themefiles

February 2019

  • First beta API implementations

  • Multilanguage improvements

January 2019

  • Multiple bug fixes

November 2018

  • WYSIWYG text editor for edit screens

  • Internal refactoring codebase, utilizing coding design patterns like services and form objects

  • Multilanguage trays

  • Improved section editing

  • Added possibility to switch between custom and public themes

September 2018

  • Version Control

  • Dashboard look and feel updates

August 2018

  • Show screenshots of themes and sites in dashboard

  • Enabled searching of tables in dashboard

  • Array content field added

  • Safe deletion of (unused) sites, companies, themes and users.

  • Automated partner demo account signup

  • Added regular expressions for content field validations

July 2018

  • Refactored and simplified form functionality.

  • Content field description added.

June 2018

  • Image pre-processing

  • img_url filter

  • S3 buckets restructered (Plate centered instead of client centered)

  • Redefining responsive images

  • Minor bugfixes

May 2018

  • Improved function calling on OOP instances, in the case of client-created content fields.

  • Finished asynchronous job environment

April 2018

  • Started creating environment for asynchronously running heavy duty jobs, to improve usability when users initiate these jobs (site creation, theme sync, etc.)

  • Multiple system and usability improvements

March 2018

  • Several major bug fixes

19 February 2018

  • Custom 404 pages

  • Minor bug fixes

15 February 2018

  • Extended where filter.

13 February 2018

  • HTTP request tag. Useful to connect with external data sources like API’s.

  • Theme debugging: to_json filter.

30 January 2018

  • Synchronization parent > child themes

  • Moving theme assets to S3

4 January 2018

  • Url structuring posts

2 January 2018

  • Breadcrumbs functionality.

  • Minor bug fixes

21 December 2017

  • Pagination function inside theme files.

  • Fixed minor bugs

5 December 2017

  • is_homepage attribute on posts

  • Fixed minor bugs

1 December 2017

  • Creating one page sites is now possible. Users are able to pick sections as a link destination

28 November 2017

  • Fixed minor bugs

24 October 2017

  • Minor bug fixes

20 October 2017

  • Published Plate Documentation

9 October 2017

  • Reached 97% score on Google Pagespeed with Plate demo. Started working on implementing measures to improve for all Plate sites

24 October 2017

  • Minor bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixed Plate Theme Tool

15 september 2017

  • Global references

9 september 2017

  • Downloadable themes

  • Theme installing in parent > child structure

1 september 2017

  • Rolled out HTTPS for all existing Plate sites.

  • Automatic SSL encryption for all newly created Plate sites

10 August 2017

  • Fetch attribute for Site, that returns all posts of a post type

26 July 2017

  • Bug fixes

  • Invitation of users to admin levels (partner, company, site)

18 July 2017

  • ‘where’ Liquid filter added.

10 July 2017

  • Multilanguage support

July 2017

  • Launch Plate Theme Tool

26 June 2017

  • Bug fixes

May/June 2017

  • Launch beta developer platform Plate

Need help?

Do you have any question which is not answered in this knowledge base? Contact us. We are here to help you.