Authentication types

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An authentication type is a content type kind which can be used to secure certain pages on a site. When an authentication type is created, it is possible to create so called "authentication objects", which are like "user accounts on a website". An authentication object has two fields by default: "email" and "password". However, it is possible to add content fields to the authentication type, just as with other content type kinds.

An authentication type adds some functionality which has to be implemented in the theme files. The following list describes the functionality and which theme files and tags should be implemented:


This allows any person with an authentication object (account) to login using their email and password.

Theme file path to implement: /authentication/[authentication_type_plural_name]/login.plate
Tag to use: authentication_login_form


This allows any person with an authentication object (account) which is logged in, to log out.

Theme file path to implement: /authentication/[authentication_type_plural_name]/logout.plate
Tag to use: authentication_logout_form


This allows any person without an authentication object (account) to register a new authentication object.

Theme file path to implement: /authentication/[authentication_type_plural_name]/new.plate
Tag to use: authentication_new_form


This allows any person with an authentication object (account) which is logged in, to edit her authentication object details.

Theme file path to implement: /authentication/[authentication_type_plural_name]/edit.plate
Tag to use: authentication_edit_form

Password recovery

This allows any person with an authentication object (account) who requested a new password and received an email with a link to update her password to set a new password.

Theme file path to implement: /authentication/[authentication_type_plural_name]/recover_password.plate
Tag to use: authentication_recover_password_form

Password recovery request

This allows any person with an authentication object (account) who forgot her new password to request a new password.

Theme file path to implement: /authentication/[authentication_type_plural_name]/request_password_recovery.plate
Tag to use: authentication_request_password_recovery_form

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